Butterflies day

The Butterflies Day

Monday - Thursday we run separate morning and afternoon sessions as well as all day sessions, with the option of lunch club. Fridays we run just one extended session 9am-1pm. This gives the children who are off to school the opportunity to experience a longer day and lunch club as part of their government funded 15 hours.
Mon - Thurs Mornings
Arrival & carpet time, followed by free play and free flow access to the outside area.
We are an all weather preschool so a warm coat in winter and sunhats in summer are a must!

Snack café opens. The children wash their hands then find their name tag - they use this to vote for which story they'd like to have at story time. They can drink from their own drink bottle or pour themselves a cup of milk to go with their choice of snack. There is a fresh option and a dry option available each snack time, our aim is for children to experience a variety of smells, textures and taste with no pressure to eat anything they don't want to.

Focus group activity. In the Butterflies room our aim is to help the children build their attention skills ready for school and to join in with adult led activities. Our focus group activities cover a wide range - sometimes it will be baking, sometimes art, sometimes an obstacle course...whatever it is, it's always fun!

Tidy up time. As with all aspects of life, fun can be messy, but tidying up doesn't have to be boring! We sing our tidy up song and encourage the children to put toys back where they belong. This is also a great way for them to strengthen their cognitive abilities; memory, linking objects and will also encourage them to tidy as they go.

Story & singing. We count out how many votes each story received and read the one with the most votes. A great way for the children to improve their maths skills without even realising it! Sometimes our stories are books read by the staff, other times we have audio books and sometimes we act out the story with puppets or encouraging the children to be the characters.

Lunch club / Morning session home time. We practice lining up at the bathroom to use the toilet and wash our hands before lunch, the children collect their lunchboxes from the lunch trolley and sit with their friends. Staff supervise lunch and help the children be independent ready for school by showing them how to open their packets and discussing healthy food choices.
Mon - Thurs Afternoons
Lunch club pick up. Children who are staying all day enjoy free play when they have finished their lunch and have suncream re-applied in summer.

Afternoon children arrive.
Carpet time followed by free play.

Focus group activity.

Free play.

Snack café opens.

Outside play time with the Caterpillars. To foster a family feel and to encourage children to mix with other ages & staff we join together for the last 45 minutes of the day in the garden. During the summer we may take a trip to the park and during winter if it's raining heavily we will enjoy group games inside.

Story & singing. The children enjoy a story and singing some songs all together before being picked up.

Home time. Happy and tired from a fun day with their friends the children are picked up by their grown ups, excited to show them the craft or baking they've done that day.
Friday Afternoons
Outside play time with the Caterpillars. To foster a family feel and to encourage children to mix with other ages & staff we join together for the last 45 minutes of the day in the garden. During the summer we may take a trip to the park and during winter if it's raining heavily we will enjoy group games inside.

Story & singing. The children enjoy a story and singing some songs all together before being picked up.

Home time.
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